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Clare Hempsted and her daughter Henrietta pass through "life crises" at the same time. Clare—48, widowed thirty years—thinks she's going through "Change of Life." Actually, she's pregnant. Henrietta—a self-help addict—is turning 30. She and ex-hippie husband Harvey have lived with and been supported by Clare since their marriage. Despite Clare's vehement objection, Henrietta thinks they should find their own place. When she learns Clare's pregnant, Henrietta thinks Howard Claybrooke, family friend and financial advisor, is the man. But then she discovers Howard is gay. Upstairs neighbor and New York Times garden columnist, Leo Stephanski, isn't aware he's the father. Leo has been confined to a wheelchair for years. But his relationship with Clare restores his zest for life and he desperately wants to marry her; but she's not ready for commitments and insists the affair be kept secret for fear of losing Henrietta. When Clare discovers her condition and learns Henrietta's arranging an abortion, on Leo's advice she faces up to her fears and reality.

"A harvest of sustained humor and hilarious one-liners." - News Gazette, Lexington, VA

Full-Length Play, Comedy

2f, 8m

Publisher: Samuel French


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